Academic Journal of

Forensic Sciences

[Abbr: Acd. Jr. AJFSc]

Beyond the Scalpel: Exploring Virtual Autopsy for Forensic Analysis – A comprehensive Review

by Riya Ghosh

The term VIRTOPSY was coined from the words virtual and autopsy: Virtual is derived from the Latin word 'virtus', which means 'useful, effective, and good'. Autopsy is derived from the ancient Greek words 'autos' (self) and 'opsomei' (I will see). Thus, autopsy means 'to see with one’s own eyes'. Because we wanted to erase the subjectivity of "autos," we combined the terms virtual and autopsy, removing the "autos" to form VIRTOPSY. Today, the name VIRTOPSY, which unifies study issues under a single scientific umbrella, is distinguished by a transdisciplinary research methodology that connects forensic domains to an international scientific network. Virtual autopsy, also known as digital or non-invasive autopsy, is a cutting-edge technique that has emerged as a promising adjunct to traditional post-mortem examinations. This process employs advanced imaging technologies and computerized analysis to render the 3D images of the scanned data of the body and explore the human body in a virtual environment. By combining high-resolution imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with sophisticated visualization and analysis software, virtual autopsies offer numerous advantages over conventional autopsies while providing invaluable insights into the cause and circumstances of death. In cases like thanatological investigations, carbonised and putrefied body identifications, mass disaster cases, age estimation, anthropological studies, and skin lesion assessments, virtual autopsy uses high-tech medical imaging approaches to provide more effective and more accurate visualisation. Despite its potential, virtual autopsy also faces challenges. The availability of specialized imaging equipment and the need for trained personnel limit its widespread adoption. Additionally, virtual autopsies may have limitations in detecting certain types of injuries or subtle pathological changes that can be better assessed through traditional autopsies. However, the accuracy of virtual autopsy is 98% and advancements in technology are likely to lead to improved imaging techniques, including higher resolution scans and faster data processing, resulting in more detailed and accurate virtual reconstructions of the body. Integration with artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms may enable automated analysis of digital data, aiding in the identification of patterns, anomalies, and potential causes of death. Keywords: Post Mortem Examination, Virtual Autopsy, Forensic Investigations

Study on Persistence and Detection of Blood Stain DNA on Pig Skin Exposed to Different Aquatic Conditions

by Sweety Santra, Arun Kumar K

It’s a common practice for perpetrators, washing blood stains with different types of water and detergents, to remove blood evidence and traces at the scene of the crime. Multiple studies carried out around the world have shown that DNA is present in washed blood stains, which show that protective blood cell structures are often able to shield them from degradation of DNA. In this study, we used pig skin, smudged with mice blood, and were kept in four different containers labelled as fresh water, salt water, fresh water with detergent and salt water with detergent with variable pH condition for 6 hours, 12 hours and 18 hours to check the persistence of DNA. A total number of 12 samples were used. All in all, the results demonstrate that specifically those samples which was immersed in fresh water, was possible for extraction of DNA. The samples which were immersed in other aquatic conditions was not viable for extraction of DNA. As detergents contain enzymes that are designed to break down biological molecules including DNA and increased pH in these systems enables DNA to get denatured faster compared to salt water and fresh water system. Keywords: DNA, Persistence, Aquatic condition, Immersed sample, Forensic, Detection

Prevalence of Drug Abuse Among Under Graduate Students in the City of Mysore (In Karnataka, India)

by Niharika KS

Drug abuse among youths is a heart breaking reality of our society. The allure of drugs often entices young minds seeking an escape from the pressures of life, only to trap them in a vicious cycle of addiction and despair. Tragically, the consequences ripple far beyond individual lives, fuelling a surge in crime rates that prey upon communities already grappling with social and economic challenges. The desperation born of addiction drives youths into the wrath of criminal activity. 60 undergraduate students of 4 different colleges in Karnataka were sent questionnaires in the form of online Google forms after receiving their informed consent. Results were analysed using Microsoft excel for mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics such as t-test was used to understand the difference between variables. Results: The sample‘s mean score on the Prevalence of Drug Abuse was 2.65. Standard deviation of the scores of all participants on the domain of Drug Abuse was 3.965. The female participants showed a mean score of 2.03 while the male participants showed a mean score of 3.26 on Drug Abuse. The computed T-test results showed a p-value of 0.124089 indicating that the results are not significant at p < 0.1, stating no significant difference between male and female subjects. Conclusion: This study underscores the importance of understanding the involvement of youth in damaging lifestyles such as drug abuse. Here the prevalence of drug abuse among college youth in the city of Mysore, in Karnataka state of India is focused on. Keywords: Drug Abuse, Youth, Alcohol, Mysore, Karnataka, Addiction.

Impact of Linkage and Mutations on STR Typing and Interpretation of Results

by Dr. Nadeem Mubarik

DNA typing is emerging as an important tool for boosting criminal justice delivery system of the whole world. The technique has made tremendous progress in the recent past. With the progress of time all possible efforts have been made to develop better multiplex systems to cater with new challenges. Efforts are made to include the impact of linkage and linkage disequilibrium in calculating likelihood ratios when dealing with close relations. Efforts are also underway to increase the strength of databases by making intensive and extensive studies covering different populations of the world. Extensive research is being carried out to get better information regarding the mechanism and marker specific mutation rates in STRs. Computer based models are designed to get better insights in calculating the impact of all the factors that have a potential to disturb the likelihood calculations. This chapter is designed to acquaint the reader about all these concepts. Keywords: STR typing, Linkage, Mutation, Recombination

Digital Image Forgeries and their Detection Techniques – A Review

by Manju

Currently, the world is moving towards digitalization extensively with which crime or forgery related to digital documents, images, and autographs also are growing with plenty of intelligence. Because of the vacuity of advanced result digital cameras, hi-tech and sophisticated personal computers, and powerful software and hardware tools within the image editing and manipulating field, it becomes conceivable for anyone to produce, alter, and modify the contents of a digital image and to violate its legitimacy. Fake and duplicate images are numerous times used to gain popularity in social media and journals. Numerous cases are noted regarding the defaming of businesses similar to political leaders by exploiting fake photos and videos. Digital image forensics aims at confirming the genuineness of images by sicking information about their past. Two important questions are addressed: The first one is the identification of the imaging device that captured that image, and the second one is, therefore, the identification of traces of forgeries. In this review paper, the author reviews the various image forgery detection techniques along with their results. Keywords: Digitalization, Video forgery, digital forensic, forgery, traces of forgery, DWT and SIFT optical flow, etc.

STR Markers: Pioneering Advances in Forensic Science and Genetic Research

by Samiksha Nayyar, Kapil Kumar Gupta

Short Tandem Repeat (STR) markers have emerged as indispensable tools in both forensic science and genetic research, offering unparalleled precision in individual identification and genetic analysis. This review delves into the technological advancements, diverse applications, and future directions of STR marker research, underscoring their pivotal role in advancing our understanding of human genetics and enhancing forensic investigations. Technological innovations, including massively parallel sequencing (MPS) and integration with other genetic markers, promise to revolutionize genetic profiling, providing higher resolution and more comprehensive insights into human genetic variation. Furthermore, advances in forensic phenotyping and ancestry prediction offer exciting prospects for expanding the utility of STR markers in forensic and anthropological contexts. However, alongside these promising developments come ethical, legal, and social considerations. Issues such as genetic privacy, consent, and the responsible use of genetic information underscore the need for robust regulatory frameworks and ethical guidelines. As the field continues to evolve, it is imperative to prioritize ethical considerations and ensure that research and practice uphold the highest standards of integrity and respect for individual rights. Keywords: Forensics, Genetics, STR Markers, DNA Profiling, Advancements

Mysterious Serial Fires in a Private Hospital – A Rare Arduous Forensic Investigation Report

by Prof T. Nataraja Moorthy

Fire plays a vital role in the survival of not only early humans but also modern humans. Humans have used fire in rituals, cooking, generating heat and light, signalling, propulsion purposes, forging, cremation, and as a weapon or mode of destruction. Fire investigation is very challenging for the investigator to conclude because the physical evidence turned to ashes in the fire. Any forensic investigator's primary aim is to discover the origin and cause. The cause of the fire may be accidental, arson, natural calamities and even unknown causes. Arson is the intentional setting of fire on one's own or others' property. Understanding the psychological aspects of fire setting is essential to controlling and deterring arson. Psychology is the branch of science that deals with mental processes and behaviour. The forensic investigator must assess the involvement of any physiological behaviour to trigger the fire unconsciously to find out the origin and cause. It assists in focusing the path of investigation, identifying potential suspects, and developing appropriate techniques and strategies for interviewing the various types of firesetters. The author, also a former forensic crime scene investigator in India, presents a case study on the psychological aspects of fire investigation and the challenges faced in identifying the origin and cause of the fire. Keywords: Forensic psychology, Fire scene investigation, Case study, India.

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